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Showing content with the highest reputation since 10/29/2023 in Files

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Uploading all my tools will take a lot of time, so this is temporary solution. Most of my tools were released on zenhax, and now available with wayback machine. But how to find them? Here is a list of all topics from Zenhax archived by wayback machine, including attachments and inline scripts. Find topic name with search or filter (see "horizon zero" screenshot as example), then copy URL for the list, and open it. This way you can download almost all of my tools. And also all tools/scripts published by others through the years.
    27 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Here is a list of all (or almost all) Xentax topics archived by wayback machine. Find topic name with search or filter (see "spiderman" screenshot as example), then copy URL for the list, and open it. There you can read the whole topic, with instructions and comments. But there will be no attached files. You can get attached files from archive.org - https://archive.org/details/xentax.7z in "attachments" folder. They are sorted by forum number and topic ID. So you have to look into corresponding forum folder (16 = 3d models in this example) and topic folder (20634 for spiderman PS4) - there you can find all files attached to that topic for each post (in there are many).
    26 points
  3. Version 1.3.0


    Dragon Age The Veilguard tools. Work same as my previous frostbite tools. toc_dav.exe - dump tool Change .ini file parameters: - game path - dump path - selection to dump "ebx", "res", "chunks" or "all" Place oo2core_9_win64.dll from the game next to the tool. Then drop any .toc file onto .exe to dump assets. Or run from command line with 1 parameter - toc file name. Main file is default.toc, voice files are inside subfolders - en.toc and other languages Fb_dav.exe - model tool Takes .MeshSet as parameter. rgz_skeleton.ebx - main universal skeleton for all humanoids. Must be in the same folder. Game has 2 skeletons with this name, you need the one from "techanim" folder, which is bigger. If you need another skeleton, use its name as 2nd parameter. Or rename it to rgz_skeleton.ebx. Tool will try to find chunks automatically. If not, it gives error message with chunk name. Set of smd files - to fix distorted faces They are 2-frame animation files to transform head model to its normal state. fb_strands.exe & fb_strands_c.exe - hair tools Each hair model has .StrandHairResource and .StrandHairSet files, and also a small EBX file (about 5kb in size) next to it which has its parameters, including the initial position. This EBX file is usually called the same, with _strand_model.ebx or _model.ebx in the end of its name. Tool takes 2 or 3 parameters: fb_strands.exe <StrandHairResource> <StrandHairSet> [EBX] First 2 parameters are required, but if you add EBX in the end, it will try to place static part correctly. fb_strands_c.exe is experimental version for curly strands. It looks more or less fine, but not 100% proper, so i'm calling this tool experimental. Later it may be improved. Hairs will be exported as 2 OBJ files (one for flowing, one for static part) with curves, which can be later converted to meshes or particle systems in blender or other editor. OBJ files will have hair groups marked, which can be useful for rendering.
    12 points
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Tool for FFXVI (Final Fantasy 16) models. So far it must support all (or almost all) models from "chara" folder. Static map parts may also work. Did not test much of the others. Requires 1 or 2 parameters. Usage: FF16.exe <mdl> <pac> 2nd parameter is needed for skeletons. If you don't provide .PAC file, model will be exported as static mesh. The PAC file for character group is in its corresponding "pack" folder.
    12 points
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Localization tools for game. Currently NOT WORKING with AC: Shadows Made by NoobInCoding, thx P.S using this as sample for tutorial as well..
    9 points
  6. Version 1.0.2


    Spiderman 2 (PS5) tool. Models & textures (most of them) supported now Correct INI file for the folder where you have game data files. Be sure that folder name has 'PS5' in its name. Then run some of these commands: 1. spiderman2 99807473A3981A8D - will extract that asset 2. spiderman2 99807473A3981A8D c:\spider\iw - will extract asset into folder with name you specified 3. spiderman2 list.txt - will extract ALL assets in list asset lists you can find in discord you can also edit "list.txt" to give assets any names/folders/drives you want tool will work based on HASHES (not names), names are given for reference
    9 points
  7. Version 0.9.0


    Tool to grab AES key from UE4-UE5 game engine
    7 points
  8. Version 1.0.0


    GTS_MDL is the tool for models. Current version extracts static models and textures. Skeletal models also supported, but will be exported static. Car wheels and some other parts will be not in correct positions. This may be corrected with future adding their skeletons and weights. You can convert maps (tracks/courses) with this tool, after you extract the track from PACK file with GTS_Pack tool. IMPORTANT NOTE. The tool extracts the highest LOD of game data. Many car parts are using tesselation. These meshes are marked with "_T" in their name. Thats why they look like they are low detail. But actually those are highest quality meshes. This tech was also used in GT6. Usage: drop model file onto the tool. OBJ & ASCII files will be created. ASCII will have all UV layers. GTS_PACK is the tool to unpack PACK files, which contain tracks. It will hopefully unpack ANY pack from GTS, not just tracks. Thats how it works: Any pack contains a few sections usually 2: SYS and VRAM naturally its data loaded into system and video memory these sections have names after unpacking, you will see all of them in subfolder then you must know that the usual model files are combined data for SYS and VRAM so to make it work, you have to MERGE 2 parts of the PACK into one for example you have world.sys & world.vram merge them (sys first) and then model tool will convert it You can merge files via any tool you have for it, or windows command. For example: copy /b WORLD.SYS + WORLD.VRAM WORLD
    6 points
  9. Version 1.0.0


    fcp_unpack.exe - unpack .fat/.dat pairs. Drop .fat onto the tool. It will unpack all files. It will search all .XML files located in the same dir for names. Names for all files in big primal_main package is here - https://mega.nz/#!IZYlBSKJ!gjrLniO4goeCFlSoQQk_PqhLEGcxW0dd7nH2QqOVcfs You can go to current dir, and run the tool from somewhere else and specify FAT file somewhere else. So you can place everything in 3 different dirs if you like: 1. dir with the tool 2. dir with fat/dat pair 3. current dir where unpacked files will go (also must have xml files for names) fcp_pack.exe - repack .fat/.dat pairs. Just run it in the dir where you have files to pack. oasis_fcp - modified "dunia tools" strings converter for Far Cry Primal 1. Convert BIN to XML as usual 2. Find line with 0xAEE923DE code and delete it. (This new format somehow has 1 section without lines in it. This is causing the old tool to fail. Maybe it's needed or something, then I'll have to find a way to handle it.) 3. Make changes you need 4. Convert file back to BIN 5. Add "table_fcp" table to the end of the file (This can be done in any hex editor or commander tool, or with command line such as "copy /b oasis.bin + table_fcp oasiswithtable.bin") 6. Pack oasis file into FAT/DAT with my packer tool. Important note. Patch.fat/dat is loaded before patch_sound.fat/dat so you have to find some other package to replace text, or remove old file from patch. I did this by finding the file hash in patch.fat and changing it. The hash is (F3 F8 E3 5D 29 FD BD F2) for english file. Changing any byte here will "mask" the file so game won't find it. Also if oasis file will be changed, you need to get the new table from the end of original file. oasis_fc4 - strings converter for Far Cry 4 Same for FC4
    6 points
  10. Version 0.24e


    The "Download this file" button links to the old version (which I can't get rid of). Download the appended zip file instead! This tool is meant to take the mesh data from the mesh you want to convert into OBJ (you have to load the model file into the program). You will also have to use a hex editor to find the model's mesh data offsets and counts and then copy them into hex2obj. Depending on these parameters it will convert the hex data into an OBJ file (File/SaveAs mesh) that you can then import into your preferred 3D Program (3DS Max, Blender, Maya, etc) hex2obj_0.25b.zip
    5 points
  11. Version 0.4.3


    A QuickBMS archive extraction script for NetEase NeoX Engine NXPK (.npk) archives. Originally authored by aluigi (pre-v0.4.0) and modified by me. Currently Supported Games Force Extraction (no guarantees) Identity V (NeoX 1/2) Onmyoji Changelog
    5 points
  12. Version 1.0.0


    A QuickBMS script to extract all of the data from Alan Wake 2's RMDTOC/RMDBLOB files.
    5 points
  13. Version 1.1.0


    God of War Ragnarok tool. Allows to export characters with bones/weights. First, extract WAD file of a character/model you need with Hitmanhimself's tool. This tool also needs config.ini from hitman's tool to find game files. It must be in the same folder. Run the tool with 4 parameters: GOW <proto> <MESH> <MG> <MG_gpu> It means 4 corresponding files for that character or weapon etc. For example for Kratos these names are: goProtoheroa00---16058.bin MESH_heroa00_0---14763.bin MG_heroa00_0---14766.bin MG_heroa00_0_gpu---14762.bin
    5 points
  14. Version 1.0.1


    Final Fantasy VII Rebirth tool Exports static and skeletal characters, maps (including nanites). In addition to all DLLs provided here, it requires global.ucas file from the game, it must be in the same folder as .EXE. Usage is similar to previous FF7remake tool. See below. Main difference is that nanite maps (using nanites) are exported in DMF format (download blender plugin for it here). Tool usage: You can use the tool to convert individual assets, or all assets in a folder. 1. To convert one asset, drop asset file onto the tool, or run the tool from command line with asset filename as parameter. If asset file contains a texture, it will create "texture.db" file with information for later use in map extraction. If asset file contains static or skeletal mesh, in will be exported to ASCII. Raw data will also be saved in "staticmesh.raw" & "skeletalmesh.raw" folders for later use in map extraction. If asset file contains a material, it will export material info in a text file, and create "material.db" file with information for later use in map extraction. If "material.db" file already exists next to the tool, it will be updated with newly found materials. If asset file contains a blueprint, it will create "blueprint.db" file with information for later use in map extraction. If "blueprint.db" file already exists next to the tool, it will be updated with newly found blueprints. 2. To convert all assets in a folder, place the tool in that folder and run it. Tool will search that folder and all subfolders for .uasset files and try converting them all. When prompted "are you sure?" you can press "enter" to confirm or Ctrl-C to cancel. 3. To convert maps, drop .umap file onto the tool, or run the tool from command line with umap filename as parameter. Current version will extract static meshes, skeletal meshes, blueprint-generated meshes and nanite "terrain streams" from a map. For map extraction to work, "staticmesh.raw" and "skeletalmesh.raw" folders with previously extracted data must be in the same folder with the tool. If some models will be missing, tool will give messages. If "blueprint.db" file will be next to the tool, it will try and place all models mentioned in blueprints on the map. There's no proper blueprint support, so some models may be placed incorrectly. If "texture.db" file will be next to the tool, it will be used to assign proper material names to nanite parts of a map instead of hashes.
    4 points
  15. Version 1.3


    A tool that extracts the SCEE London Studios PS3 PACKAGE (.PKF, .PKD, .PAK, .PKG, .THEMES) files. It supports all of its known variants - plain, compressed, encrypted, 32/64-bit. Compiled for 64-bit Windows and Linux. Usage is simple: scee_london "/path/to/Pack0.pkd" "/path/to/out_dir" Alternatively, on Windows it's also possible to just drag and drop the PACKAGE file onto the executable.
    4 points
  16. Version 1.1.0


    A tool for previewing/exporting animations from the PS3 games Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, Into the Nexus, Full Frontal Assault, and All 4 One. Some animations may not work. Root motion is there, but it is applied on a separate bone that is not part of the skinned bones. The root skinned bone should be parented to this root motion bone so that the model moves properly. This is how it's done by the game, not something I choose to do. How to use 0) Get the game files 1) Extract the level psarc you want 2) Drag and drop the assetlookup file on Insomniac Engine AllExtractor: Tool Download Page 3) Animated models are extracted to moby folder. Load the model (irb) in Noesis using the included script 4) Export it to NUX 5) Load NUX in RCCITViewer 6) Load the matching animation file in animsets folder. Read below for finding the correct animation file 7) Export the animation to NUX 8 ) You can load the exported file in Noesis and convert it to any format you want Note: Animations usually work fine with default translation factor. However, some models, like Qwark, need a higher factor. If the model looks weird/broken increase the factor. Finding the correct animation file I have included a program called RCCITAnimList. Drag and drop the animsets folder on it. It will create a text file listing all the animations contained in each file. You can understand which file to load based on the animation names. Credits - Ghostblade - Noesis script for irb models - PredatorCZ - Insomniac Engine AllExtractor
    4 points
  17. Version 0.4.2


    Custom model import tool v0.4 beta + model export (from .model to .ascii) Usage: spiderman_2_pc_mi_04.exe <model> <ascii> <materials> You can use models previously converted form the game: export .model file with ModdingTool, then pass it to spiderman_2_pc_model.exe This will output a model in .ascii format, and materials.txt. Note that due to new LODs/lookgroups layout, export tool now exports ALL meshes with all LODs. You may want to delete lower LODs before importing back to game.
    3 points
  18. Version 2.1


    Texture Finder is a tool made by IceBerg to find texture files. You use the tool by loading in an unknown image file format and then use the pixel formats, with pallete, quad formats along with offsets in the program to finalize the image and converting it into .bmp when exporting. Sadly no further documentation is included with the program thus far.
    3 points
  19. Version 1.0


    Tool to unpack/repack braid.dat archive of the Braid Anniversary Edition. Usage : unpack: -u archive_name repack: -r archive name compression_level When repacking, optionally you can specify compression level, legit values are from -4(fastest) to 9(slowest). Default value is 6(devs used it), but it's pretty slow, very slow I would say, so I decided to add this option at least for the testing purposes.
    3 points
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Noesis script for meshes and textures of Marvel's Avengers 2020 Works: - geometry - multiple UV channels - skeletons/skin (test) - textures - multiple textures in single file (usually standart and HD) - split LODs (use pugin versian 29, version 25 outdated, left just as archive. ) Does not work: - some textures update 16.09.2020 add: - skeletons/skin (test) - script for skeleton searching - multiple textures in single file update 19.09.2020 add: - split LODs (use pugin version 29, version 25 outdated, left just as archive. ) update 01.10.2020 improved texture support update 14.10.2020 add: support LOD's number for submesh. Now script load ONLY LOD1 (with max detalization). You can load all LODs - edit script for it string 30 CODE: SELECT ALL LoadOnlyLod1 = True set to CODE: SELECT ALL LoadOnlyLod1 = False hotfix14.10.2020#1 Some models has lod0, added its extraction to parametr LoadOnlyLod1 Extracting characters with skeleton: place skeleton file to folder with model, skeleton name must be strictly "skeleton.maskl". Skeleton be found in DTPData folder. It's just a renamed *.dtp file You can use skeleton_finder.py tool for search "skeleton"'s file. Just edit "search_dir = "D:\\marvel\\drm_unp"" to your path - script check dpd files, copy and renamed its to "skeleton_XXX.maskl" in same folder. The script may not find all the files, or it may mistakenly recognize some of them. It doesn't fully parse the file structure - it just looks for similar ones. For some models, skeletons need to be looked for in other "DRM" folders. You can use noesis to view skeletons structure. Thanks (Nicknames taken from Xentax) : Dazzy - for researching the skeleton structure Based on Gh0stBlade's script for Tomb Raider
    3 points
  21. Version 0.14.8


    ImageHeat is a program for viewing encoded textures. It's free and open source.
    2 points
  22. Version 1.0.0


    These are the tools used to extract models and other assets from the Marvel's Avengers video game that released back in 2020. TigerDecrypt_v2_8_2_0 (Caution: Trojan software) TigerDecrypt_v2_8_2_0.rar MA.Tiger.Unpacker_0.0.3.1637 MA.Tiger.Unpacker_0.0.3.1637.rar MA.DRM.Dumper_0.0.3.1622 MA.DRM.Dumper_0.0.3.1622.rar To clarify, the TigerDecrypt uses Trojen tools to break encryptions which allows you to pull the assets from those Tiger files. Your anti-malware software will notify you to delete the file from your computer to avoid possible corruption to your computer. Use these tools at your own risk and understand the dangers to possibly exposing yourself to hackers. If you're understanding network security, you have anti-virus software enabled, and you know how to dig into your computer with registry or CMD, then you'll be safer to handle these situations since you're well educated on the risks and what to look out for. HUGE thanks to the community of beautiful people who made these tools and gave guidance to extracting from this game. The main objective is to acquire all the MCU character models. Ekey: https://github.com/Ekey/CDCE.TIGER.Tool?tab=readme-ov-file Gh0stBlade: https://github.com/Gh0stBlade Crazy31139: https://www.deviantart.com/crazy31139 Eric945: https://reshax.com/profile/189-erik945/
    2 points
  23. 51 downloads

    Naraka:Bladepoint convert
    2 points
  24. 109 downloads

    This is a plugin for photoshop that allows you to open texture that are in .dds file format in photoshop. How to install? Simply put the DDS.8bi into your Photoshop's Plug-ins folder Example C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Plug-ins
    2 points
  25. Version 0.92


    universal script based files extractor and reimporter. QuickBMS supports tons of games and file formats, archives, encryptions, compressions, obfuscations and other algorithms. QuickBMS uses a minimalistic GUI if the executable is double-clicked (launched normally) or from command-line if launched from the console, by using this second mode or a link to the executable it's possible to activate many useful and advanced options. History: the idea was born from the need of a simple and fast solution for handling the archives used by the majority of games without wasting time writing a stand-alone tool with tons of C code just for a basic file format. so this tool has been created mainly for myself for creating my extractors quickly on the fly, and secondly for any other user who wants do the same without learning a real programming language. the BMS language is basic, easy to use and exists from over 10 years, what I did was simply enhancing it for my personal requirements and making the life easier when handling complex archives and file formats. Features: open source and multiplatform, tested on Windows (even Win98) and GNU/Linux (x86 and PPC) works from both command-line and GUI (Windows only, just double-click on quickbms.exe) reimport and reimport2 modes for reinjecting the modified files back to the archives support for tons of encryption algorithms, even some proprietary ones support for tons of compression algorithms (over 700), even some proprietary ones support for tons of hashing algorithms support for other types of algorithms (like base64) and/or obfuscations (xor, rot and so on) support for calling DLLs and raw dumped functions with almost any known calling convention support for bits operation and switchable little/big endian simple and dynamic language that allows to make many operations reducing the percentage of archives and formats that can't be supported easily verbose option (-V) that displays all the needed details during reversing and testing of file formats HTML output (-H) that automatically applies colors and names to the fields parsed during the usage of the scripts: example for zip.bms on q3infoboom.zip possibility to use the tool as a blind scanner of compression, encryption and crc/checksum algorithms support for network sockets, SSL and http/https support for other alternative input/output interfaces like processes (included debugging and automatic breakpoint restoring), audio, video and Windows messages support for the visualization and creation of various types of data like x86 assembly, IP addresses, time_t, FILETIME, ClassID and more support for C-like structures and basic syntax for easy handling of file formats support for any command-line decompressor/decrypter/anything_else via the EXECUTE method (Comtype and Encryption commands) read and write operations quickbms_4gb_files.exe is a native 32bit program with all the variables set as 64bit useful in some situations planned future development that will cover more advanced features for reverse engineers and power users customizable CRC engine tons of scripts supporting hundreds of file formats and thousands of games experimental games localization (strings editing) creation of ISO images and ZIP archives as alternative outputs embedded C compiler to use C functions at runtime support for embedded Python and Lua scripts experimental IPC interfaces: named pipes, mailslot, web and dll support for the WCX packer plugins of Total Commander Created by great Aluigi
    2 points
  26. Version 2.31.0


    Allows for (un)packing resources from Glacier 2's RPKGs (Resource Packages). Hitman 3 has the most supported formats. The source code and latest release are available at https://github.com/glacier-modding/RPKG-Tool
    2 points
  27. Version 1.2.3 RC3


    This program was designed for the asset container archives (*.box and *.opf). With this tool you can directly access the contents of these archives, extract them, build them. You can open images, scriptfiles via my tool stored in the archive with out any extraction. In addition, you can export the script files too and use them in your - for example- new maps. Regarding script files you can read, edit and save them at specific destination.
    1 point
  28. Version 1.0.1


    Currently, the test work has been carried out on Where Winds Meet, unless a certain game appears with the same index structure as theirs Applicable games Where Winds Meet Command processing Please put all the files you need into the same folder as the script patch mpk.py patch.mpkdb patch mpk.py *.mpkinfo Notice!!! patch.mpkdb only has the index of patchx.mpk or patchxx.mpk files For example patch.mpk patch1.mpk....patch50.mpk For other mpks, the index information should be in mpkinfo To make the script better handle, please do not put together .mpk files with the same number suffix. For example resources1.mpk LT1.mpk Because there are too many mpkinfo, many mpkinfo and mpk file names are not opposite. In some cases, there is no distinction logic written. If the numbers are the same, it may be misjudged as being to be processed. mpk If you really need to deal with it It is recommended to process step by step, such as importing resources1.mpk and resources.mpkinfo first. After the processing is completed, delete resources1.mpk and resources.mpkinfo in this folder, and then importing LT1.mpk and LT1.mpkinfo If you are dealing with mpkinfo named after the in-game name For example MpkCached_common_qinghe.mpkinfo It is recommended to put all patches of patchxxxx.mpk into this folder
    1 point
  29. Version 1.0.0 [PC]


    Usage is the same as PS4/PS5 tool, but you dont need oodle dll anymore. Change patch in .ini file, then run tool with asset package code. Example: h2_extr_pc.exe E264
    1 point
  30. Version 1.0.0


    m0xf's tool for SDF archive extraction. The tool only extracts - does not import. Originally posted on XenTax by the author. Open in command line. Usage: rouge_sdf.exe <sdftoc file> <output folder> Example: rouge_sdf.exe "C:\Game\sdf.sdftoc" "C:\Game Export\extracted"
    1 point
  31. Version 1.1


    Hello, guys! It's me again! I haven't posted anything for a while, so I decided to make a new program for my tool I created for the game. It's a NET windows forms application program, that was tested multiple times. This is version 1.1 with some fixes and basic features. (see the attached images). This program is part of a bigger project, the "DevTools" that I designed for the game. You can also download that tool (version 2.7). I'm working on version 2.8. This tool will be updated with the v2.8 of DevTools... With this tool you can open any *.box archives, watch *.bik files or listen to *.mp3 files stored in the box archives. You do not need to extract anything, also do not need to create temporary folders. For more info, please read the attached Changelog.txt file... This tool will be updated multiple times!
    1 point
  32. Version


    Koei Tecmo .g1n font format editor. Made by lehieu68. Github Repository Tutorial
    1 point
  33. Version 1.2


    A script that extracts COD.PAK files from the PS2 and Xbox versions of Call of Duty: Finest Hour, with mostly complete filename support. Requires Python 3.6 or newer. Usage: python script.py "/path/to/COD.PAK" -o "/path/to/outfolder" All of the filenames are hashed, and this script is the result of about half a year of on and off work on it. In the end I've gathered roughly 10000 valid/known filenames, and only about 30 files left with unresolved hashes. If you're interested in assisting with these, see my spreadsheet below for more details. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QEDncvs6EH_KhAWjfUEabVK3r2VhDJDIWftD2pYOkho/edit#gid=0
    1 point
  34. Version 0.0.4


    A collection of tools for formats used in the ZAPiT GameWave game console (all 16 games share the same file formats): zwf_unpack - can unpack .zwf audio files, and whole directories recursively zbm_unpack - can unpack .zbm image files, and whole directories recursively zbc_unpack - can unpack .zbc bytecode files, and whole directories recursively Source code is available at https://github.com/gamewavefans/GameWaveFans
    1 point
  35. Version V3


    Supercar Street Challenge (PC) .cpk extractor script
    1 point
  36. Version 1.0.0


    Mesh extractor for the game "The Outforce". It was created for the demo version of the PackedProject.opf file, so this program is needed to be updated, although I'm not good at neither python, nor Blender... It only works for the .CBaseClass files... This program was not created by me! *Special thanks to Szkaradek123 for creating the program. It would be really nice if someone could update it and / or "convert" the Python code to C# or C/C++.
    1 point
  37. Version 1.4


    Hello guys again! Here's my tool for the game: BHunter - a.k.a bounty hunter. This is an *.bin / *.dat extractor GUI program with many features. See attached pics. More functions, features will be implemented, which means that this program will be updated multiple times!
    1 point
  38. Version 1.1


    Hello, guys! Here's my *.kdt / *.dat extractor tool designed for the game: "Gorky 17". It's a simple console line application. More info in the readme file. This program will be updated multiple times. Also working on the other fileformats that the game uses as well as the GUI version of the program...
    1 point
  39. Version 1.2.4


    Tool to handle MDTOC files made by @Amr Shaheen
    1 point
  40. Version 1.0.0


    Output is good enough, but for big compiled lua (luab) it won't have 100% accuracy, in others, it won't output like it's stuck in a loop. Written in Visual Basic from looks of it, and it's very ancient. From what I know it's the only LUA Decompiler for ancient Lua 4.0 version (not the 5.0+) Uploading it here in case internet websites go down yet again (to prevent "lost media")
    1 point
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